Class Task

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Task
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Comparable<Task>
    Represents a single task. Conceptually a Task is a node on a large task dependency graph that spans the entire list of tasks. Tasks that aren't connected can be done in any order, tasks that are connected must be done in an order specified by the child/parent relationships -> children require their parents to complete before they can be started. Definitely overengineered, but this Task class is designed to make the Optimizer work.
    Evan Voogd
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Task​(java.lang.String name, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate early, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate due, int time, int priority)
      Initializes an object representing a task
      Task​(java.lang.String name, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate earlyDate, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate dueDate, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate doDate, int timeToComplete, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> parentArr, int priority, long projectID, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> labelIDs)
      Initializes an object representing a task
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addChild​(Task child)
      Add a task that depends on this task
      void addLabel​(Label label)
      Add a Label to this Task.
      void addParent​(Task parent)
      Add a prerequisite task for this task
      static java.util.Date clearDate​(java.util.Date toClear)
      Clears time information from Date, as LocalDate wasn't implemented until API 26.
      int compareTo​(Task other)
      Compares this task with another given task
      java.util.ArrayList<Task> getChildren()
      Returns the tasks dependent on the completion of the task
      static int getDiff​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate endDate, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate startDate)
      Get the difference (in days) between two dates.
      static int getDiff​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime endDate, org.threeten.bp.LocalDate startDate)
      Get the difference (in days) between two dates.
      org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getDoDate()
      Returns the currently scheduled completion date (by the optimizer) for the task
      org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getDueDate()
      Returns the due date for the task
      org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getEarlyDate()
      Returns the earliest completion date for the task
      long getID()
      Returns the id of this task.
      java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> getLabelIDs()
      Get a List of IDs of the current Labels.
      java.util.List<Label> getLabels()
      Get the labels that the Task is associated with.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the name of the task
      java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> getParentArr()
      Get list of parent ids
      java.util.ArrayList<Task> getParents()
      Returns the prerequisite tasks for the task
      int getPriority()
      Get the priority of the task.
      Project getProject()
      Get the project the Task is associated with.
      long getProjectID()
      Get the ID of the current Project.
      int getTimeToComplete()
      Returns the amount of time (in minutes) it takes to complete the task
      java.util.ArrayList<Task> getWorkingChildren()
      Returns the "working" children list.
      org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getWorkingDoDate()
      Get the working copy of the do date for the task
      org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getWorkingEarlyDate()
      Returns the working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
      java.util.ArrayList<Task> getWorkingParents()
      Returns the "working" parents list.
      void initializeForOptimization()
      Copies children into working children and parents into working parents, so the optimizer can utilize the inherent dependency tree.
      void initializeLabels​(java.util.List<Label> labels)
      Synchronize the list of Label IDs with the List of Labels.
      void initializeProject​(java.util.List<Project> projects)
      Update Project from Project ID as the DB cannot store references.
      void removeChild​(Task child)
      Remove a task that depends on this task
      void removeLabel​(Label label)
      Remove a Label from this Task.
      void removeParent​(Task parent)
      Remove a prerequisite task for this task
      void removeProject()  
      void removeWorkingParent​(Task parent)
      Remove a prerequisite task for this task in the optimizer's working task dependency graph
      void setDoDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate doDate)
      Changes the currently scheduled completion date for the task.
      void setDueDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate dueDate)
      Changes the due date for the task.
      void setEarlyDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate earlyDate)
      Changes the earliest completion date for a task.
      void setID​(long id)
      Sets the id of this task.
      void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Changes the name of the task
      void setPriority​(int priority)
      Update the priority of the task.
      void setProject​(Project project)
      Change the Task's Project.
      void setTimeToComplete​(int timeToComplete)
      Changes the amount of time it takes to complete the task.
      void setWorkingDoDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate workingDoDate)
      Change the working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
      void setWorkingEarlyDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate earlyDate)
      Changes the working copy of the earliest completion date for a task.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • mID

        private long mID
      • mName

        private java.lang.String mName
      • mEarlyDate

        private org.threeten.bp.LocalDate mEarlyDate
      • mDoDate

        private org.threeten.bp.LocalDate mDoDate
      • mDueDate

        private org.threeten.bp.LocalDate mDueDate
      • mTimeToComplete

        private int mTimeToComplete
      • mPriority

        private int mPriority
      • mProject

        private Project mProject
      • mLabels

        private final java.util.List<Label> mLabels
      • mProjectID

        private long mProjectID
      • mLabelIDs

        private final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> mLabelIDs
      • mParentArr

        private final java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> mParentArr
      • mParents

        private final java.util.ArrayList<Task> mParents
      • mChildren

        private final java.util.ArrayList<Task> mChildren
      • mWorkingParents

        private java.util.ArrayList<Task> mWorkingParents
      • mWorkingChildren

        private java.util.ArrayList<Task> mWorkingChildren
      • mWorkingEarlyDate

        private org.threeten.bp.LocalDate mWorkingEarlyDate
      • mWorkingDoDate

        private org.threeten.bp.LocalDate mWorkingDoDate
      • dateFormat

        public static final org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeFormatter dateFormat
    • Constructor Detail

      • Task

        public Task​(@NonNull
                    java.lang.String name,
                    org.threeten.bp.LocalDate early,
                    org.threeten.bp.LocalDate due,
                    int time,
                    int priority)
        Initializes an object representing a task
        name - The name of the task
        early - The earliest possible day to complete the task (e.g. when it's assigned)
        due - When the task is due
      • Task

        public Task​(@NonNull
                    java.lang.String name,
                    org.threeten.bp.LocalDate earlyDate,
                    org.threeten.bp.LocalDate dueDate,
                    org.threeten.bp.LocalDate doDate,
                    int timeToComplete,
                    java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> parentArr,
                    int priority,
                    long projectID,
                    java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> labelIDs)
        Initializes an object representing a task
        name - The name of the task
        parentArr - Array of id's for the priority
        priority - Priority of the task
        doDate - When the task is scheduled to be completed.
        dueDate - When the task is due.
        earlyDate - Earliest date the task can be completed.
        timeToComplete - Amount of time in minutes the task is estimated to complete.
        projectID - ID for the project.
        labelIDs - List of IDs for the labels.
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public long getID()
        Returns the id of this task.
        id of the task
      • setID

        public void setID​(long id)
        Sets the id of this task.
        id - id of the task
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the task
        The name of the task
      • setName

        public void setName​(@NonNull
                            java.lang.String name)
        Changes the name of the task
        name - THe new name of the task
      • getEarlyDate

        public org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getEarlyDate()
        Returns the earliest completion date for the task
        The earliest completion date for the task
      • setEarlyDate

        public void setEarlyDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate earlyDate)
        Changes the earliest completion date for a task.
        earlyDate - The new earliest completion date for the task.
      • getDoDate

        public org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getDoDate()
        Returns the currently scheduled completion date (by the optimizer) for the task
        The currently scheduled completion date (by the optimizer) for the task
      • setDoDate

        public void setDoDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate doDate)
        Changes the currently scheduled completion date for the task.
        doDate - The new completion date for the task.
      • getDueDate

        public org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getDueDate()
        Returns the due date for the task
        The due date for the task
      • setDueDate

        public void setDueDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate dueDate)
        Changes the due date for the task.
        dueDate - The new due date for the task.
      • getTimeToComplete

        public int getTimeToComplete()
        Returns the amount of time (in minutes) it takes to complete the task
        The amount of time (in minutes) it takes to complete the task
      • setTimeToComplete

        public void setTimeToComplete​(int timeToComplete)
        Changes the amount of time it takes to complete the task.
        timeToComplete - The new amount of time it takes to complete the task.
      • getParents

        public java.util.ArrayList<Task> getParents()
        Returns the prerequisite tasks for the task
        The prerequisite tasks for the task
      • addParent

        public void addParent​(Task parent)
        Add a prerequisite task for this task
        parent - The task that whose completion is required for the completion of the task
      • removeParent

        public void removeParent​(Task parent)
        Remove a prerequisite task for this task
        parent - The prerequisite task to remove
      • getChildren

        public java.util.ArrayList<Task> getChildren()
        Returns the tasks dependent on the completion of the task
        The tasks dependent on the completion of the task
      • addChild

        public void addChild​(Task child)
        Add a task that depends on this task
        child - The dependent task to add
      • removeChild

        public void removeChild​(Task child)
        Remove a task that depends on this task
        child - The dependent task to remove
      • getParentArr

        public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> getParentArr()
        Get list of parent ids
        parent array
      • getWorkingDoDate

        public org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getWorkingDoDate()
        Get the working copy of the do date for the task
        The working copy of the do date for the task
      • setWorkingDoDate

        public void setWorkingDoDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate workingDoDate)
        Change the working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
        workingDoDate - The new working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
      • getWorkingEarlyDate

        public org.threeten.bp.LocalDate getWorkingEarlyDate()
        Returns the working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
        The working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
      • setWorkingEarlyDate

        public void setWorkingEarlyDate​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate earlyDate)
        Changes the working copy of the earliest completion date for a task.
        earlyDate - The new working copy of the earliest completion date for the task.
      • getWorkingParents

        public java.util.ArrayList<Task> getWorkingParents()
        Returns the "working" parents list. The working list exists so the optimizer can remove parents from children as they are completed, so checking if all prerequisite tasks are completed is as easy as getWorkingParents().size() == 0.
        The working parents list.
      • removeWorkingParent

        public void removeWorkingParent​(Task parent)
        Remove a prerequisite task for this task in the optimizer's working task dependency graph
        parent - The prerequisite task to remove
      • getWorkingChildren

        public java.util.ArrayList<Task> getWorkingChildren()
        Returns the "working" children list. Exists mostly for symmetry with workingParents.
        The working children list.
      • initializeForOptimization

        public void initializeForOptimization()
        Copies children into working children and parents into working parents, so the optimizer can utilize the inherent dependency tree.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Task other)
        Compares this task with another given task
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<Task>
        other - The other task to compare it with
        Returns a positive number if this task is greater, negative if the other task is greater, and 0 if they are equal
      • clearDate

        public static java.util.Date clearDate​(java.util.Date toClear)
        Clears time information from Date, as LocalDate wasn't implemented until API 26. Very useful for Tasks as Tasks have no inherent time information.
        toClear - The date to return without a time
        toClear but at the time 00:00:00.0000
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(int priority)
        Update the priority of the task. 3 = highest priority, 0 = minimum priority
        priority - new priority
      • getPriority

        public int getPriority()
        Get the priority of the task. 3 = highest priority, 0 = minimum priority
        priority number
      • getProject

        public Project getProject()
        Get the project the Task is associated with.
        the Project for the task.
      • getLabels

        public java.util.List<Label> getLabels()
        Get the labels that the Task is associated with.
        a List of Labels the task is associated with.
      • getProjectID

        public long getProjectID()
        Get the ID of the current Project.
        the ID of the Project.
      • getLabelIDs

        public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Long> getLabelIDs()
        Get a List of IDs of the current Labels.
        the ID of the Labels.
      • setProject

        public void setProject​(Project project)
        Change the Task's Project.
        project - The new project for the task.
      • addLabel

        public void addLabel​(Label label)
        Add a Label to this Task.
        label - The new label for the Task.
      • removeLabel

        public void removeLabel​(Label label)
        Remove a Label from this Task.
        label - The label to remove from this Task.
      • initializeProject

        public void initializeProject​(java.util.List<Project> projects)
        Update Project from Project ID as the DB cannot store references.
        projects - List of projects.
      • initializeLabels

        public void initializeLabels​(java.util.List<Label> labels)
        Synchronize the list of Label IDs with the List of Labels.
        labels - List of labels.
      • getDiff

        public static int getDiff​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDate endDate,
                                  org.threeten.bp.LocalDate startDate)
        Get the difference (in days) between two dates. Often used to find index into taskSchedule List, so is included as a static field here.
        endDate - The later date in the calculation
        startDate - The earlier date in the calculation
        How many days between start and end dates. E.g. 8/21, 8/20 will return 1.
      • getDiff

        public static int getDiff​(org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime endDate,
                                  org.threeten.bp.LocalDate startDate)
        Get the difference (in days) between two dates. Often used to find index into taskSchedule List, so is included as a static field here.
        endDate - The later date in the calculation
        startDate - The earlier date in the calculation
        How many days between start and end dates. E.g. 8/21, 8/20 will return 1.
      • removeProject

        public void removeProject()