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onActivityResult(int, Intent) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Handles activities started for a result, in this case when the AddItem activity returns with a new Event/Task to be added.
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.AddItem
When back button is pressed, change views that are impacted by the change in fragment to have the correct values.
onBindViewHolder(DayItemAdapter.DayViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.DayItemAdapter
Sets the date for the day_item and gives the component RecyclerViews their data
onBindViewHolder(EventItemAdapter.EventViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.EventItemAdapter
Sets the name/timespan of the the item in the recyclerview to that of it's EventItem representation
onBindViewHolder(TaskItemAdapter.TaskViewHolder, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.TaskItemAdapter
Sets the name of the the item in the recyclerview to that of it's TaskItem representation
onButtonClick(int, int, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.LogicSubsystem
Handle button clicks in the MainActivity by deleting tasks/events.
onButtonClick(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.ClickListener
A function that sends a Button Click up to it's own ClickListener, or acts on the Button Click itself if it has no ClickListener of it's own.
onButtonClick(int, int, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Handles one of the buttons being clicked to complete a task.
onButtonClick(int, int, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.DayItemAdapter.DayViewHolder
Sends the Button Click information up from the TaskItemHolder to MainActivity.
onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.YearlyRecurFragment.RecurrenceTypeOnChangedCheckListener
onClick(View) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.TaskEntry.AddParentsListener
Opens a dialog allowing the user to set parents for the task
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.AddItem
Runs when Activity starts.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.EventEntry
Required empty onCreate method
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.DailyRecurFragment
Required empty onCreate method
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.MonthlyRecurFragment
Required empty onCreate method
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.NoRecurFragment
Required empty onCreate method
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.RecurActivity
Runs on activity creation.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.WeeklyRecurFragment
Required empty onCreate method
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.YearlyRecurFragment
Required empty onCreate method
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.TaskEntry
Other than default Android behavior, sets the currentParents field to -1 to signify no prerequisite tasks (the default)
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Runs on the start of the app.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.OptimizingActivity
Default onCreateMethod
onCreateDialog(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.DatePickerFragment
Sets the default value of the date the user will select.
onCreateDialog(Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.TimePickerFragment
Creates a timepicker dialog
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Adds the items to the three dot menu in the ActionBar.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.EventEntry
Initializes recurrence button/recurrence related information.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.DailyRecurFragment
Used to get the EditText to allow it to be read from.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.MonthlyRecurFragment
Used to get the EditTexts and RadioGroup to allow it to be read from.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.NoRecurFragment
Required empty onCreateView method
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.WeeklyRecurFragment
Used to get the EditText and CheckBoxes to allow it to be read from.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.YearlyRecurFragment
Used to get the EditTexts and RadioGroup to allow it to be read from.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.TaskEntry
Initializes important views.
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.DayItemAdapter
Initialize an individual layout for MainActivity's recyclerview
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.EventItemAdapter
Initialize an individual layout for the DayItem's recyclerview
onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.TaskItemAdapter
Initialize an individual layout for the DayItem's recyclerview
onDateSet(DatePicker, int, int, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.DatePickerFragment
Updates EditText after dialog is submitted.
onItemSelected(<any>, View, int, long) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.RecurActivity
Dispatches to various helper functions when a different item is selected in this layout.
onNothingSelected(<any>) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.RecurActivity
Required by AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener Interface
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Handles action bar clicks.
onPause() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Updates todayTime in SharedPreferences
onTimeSet(TimePicker, int, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.TimePickerFragment
Called when user selects time.
Optimize() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.LogicSubsystem
Optimize the user's schedules.
Optimize() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.MainActivity
Calls the Optimizer to find an optimal schedule for the user's tasks, given the user's scheduled events.
Optimize(List<Task>, List<List<Task>>, List<List<Event>>, Date, int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Optimizer
Optimally schedules the given tasks
Optimizer - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
The holy grail.
Optimizer() - Constructor for class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Optimizer
OptimizingActivity - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main
Loading screen that appears while the task schedule is being optimized/loaded from file
OptimizingActivity() - Constructor for class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.OptimizingActivity
overdueTasks - Variable in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.LogicSubsystem
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