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schedule(Task, int, Date, List<List<Task>>, int[]) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Optimizer
Schedules task for the date index days past startDate.
setDayString(String) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.DayItem
Sets the string representing the day this DayItem represents
setDoDate(Date) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Event
Changes the start time of the event
setDoDate(Date) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Changes the currently scheduled completion date for the task.
setDueDate(Date) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Changes the due date for the task.
setEarlyDate(Date) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Changes the earliest completion date for a task.
setEvents(List<EventItem>) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.DayItem
Sets the List of EventItems to be displayed in recyclerview
setID(long) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Event
Changes the ID of the event, useful to ensure same as primary key in DB
setID(long) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Sets the id of this task.
setLength(int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Event
Changes the length (in minutes) of the event
setName(String) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Event
Changes the name of the event
setName(String) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Changes the name of the task
setTasks(List<TaskItem>) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.main.recycler.DayItem
Sets the List of TaskItems to be displayed in recyclerview
setTimeToComplete(int) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Changes the amount of time it takes to complete the task.
setWorkingDoDate(Date) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Change the working copy of the earliest completion date for the task
setWorkingEarlyDate(Date) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Changes the working copy of the earliest completion date for a task.
showPickerDialog(String[]) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.TaskEntry.AddParentsListener
Builds and shows a picker dialog based on a list of task names.
submit() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.AddItem
Submits the data in the fields to the MainActivity if all fields are filled.
submit() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.RecurActivity
Submit the recurrence information back to the EventEntry fragment
swapTasks(Task, Task, int[], Date, List<List<Task>>) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Optimizer
See if swapping two tasks decreases variance
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