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RecurActivity - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur
Activity that users enter information about event recurrence into.
RecurActivity() - Constructor for class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.RecurActivity
RecurInput - Interface in com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur
Interface that defines a class that returns a Bundle containing user input about an event's recurrence.
RecurrenceParser - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Class that parses a Bundle containing recurrence information into a list of Dates the item occurs on.
RecurrenceParser(Context) - Constructor for class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.RecurrenceParser
Create a new class to parse a recurrence bundle
RecurrenceParser.DailyIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the daily recurrence case
RecurrenceParser.MonthlyDynamicIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the case where it recurs monthly on the same dynamic date (e.g.
RecurrenceParser.MonthlySpecificIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the monthly specific case, where item recurs monthly on multiple specific dates
RecurrenceParser.MonthlyStaticIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the monthly static case, where it's repeated monthly on the same date.
RecurrenceParser.WeeklyIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the weekly recurrence case
RecurrenceParser.YearlyDynamicIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the case where item occurs yearly on the same dynamic date (e.g.
RecurrenceParser.YearlyMultipleDynamicIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the case where the item recurs on multiple months on the same dynamic date (e.g.
RecurrenceParser.YearlyMultipleStaticIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the case where the item occurs on multiple months on the same date yearly.
RecurrenceParser.YearlySpecificIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the case where the item recurs on specific months/dates yearly
RecurrenceParser.YearlyStaticIterator - Class in com.evanv.taskapp.logic
Iterator that handles the case where item recurs on same month/date yearly
RecurrenceTypeOnChangedCheckListener(View) - Constructor for class com.evanv.taskapp.ui.additem.recur.YearlyRecurFragment.RecurrenceTypeOnChangedCheckListener
Constructs a listener that will update the UI when a different type of yearly recurrence is chosen.
remove(Task, int, List<List<Task>>, int[]) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Optimizer
Removes task from taskSchedule/time for the given index.
removeChild(Task) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Remove a task that depends on this task
removeParent(Task) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Remove a prerequisite task for this task
removeWorkingParent(Task) - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.logic.Task
Remove a prerequisite task for this task in the optimizer's working task dependency graph
run() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.db.TaskAppRepository.deleteEventAsyncTask
The code to be ran asynchronously - delete an event
run() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.db.TaskAppRepository.deleteTaskAsyncTask
The code to be ran asynchronously - delete a task
run() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.db.TaskAppRepository.insertEventAsyncTask
The code to be ran asynchronously - insert an Event and update the id.
run() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.db.TaskAppRepository.insertTaskAsyncTask
The code to be ran asynchronously - insert a task and update the id.
run() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.db.TaskAppRepository.updateEventAsyncTask
The code to be ran asynchronously - update an event
run() - Method in class com.evanv.taskapp.db.TaskAppRepository.updateTaskAsyncTask
The code to be ran asynchronously - update a task
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